1. internet architecture: mainly explain osi reference model, tcp reference model, ip protocol, etc. Based on the network principle, it is convenient to understand the network better.
Second, WINDOWS 2003 SERVER enterprise service application: mainly explain the installation and related configuration of windows server, the construction of web server, and the way of routing related devices under WINDOWS.
Three. LINUX enterprise service application: same as above.
Fourth, building a large-scale network: a concrete practical application case of local area network.
5. Structured integrated wiring: As a network engineer, it is very important to come up with a specific construction plan for a project.
Sixth, enterprise network security: In the era when hackers are prevalent, some basic red and black science technologies still need to be mastered.
Seven, large ORACLE database and sqlsever database in addition to mastering some website construction tools dreamweaver, there are ASP.NET related dynamic languages.
In addition to mastering hardware technology, it is also essential for network engineers to know some programs. In the face of financial crisis, enterprises are trying to streamline their personnel, and no enterprise wants their talents to be multifunctional.