Characteristic Specialty of Graduate School of Wuhan University of Technology
Major with national characteristics: animation, communication engineering, material science and engineering, vehicle engineering, mineral processing engineering, industrial design, mechanical engineering and automation, ocean engineering and marine engineering. Hubei brand majors: ship and ocean engineering, marine engineering, mechanical engineering and automation, communication engineering, industrial design, material science and engineering, civil engineering, mineral processing engineering, engineering mechanics, international economy and trade, transportation and engineering mechanics. School-level brand majors such as mineral resources engineering, measurement and control technology and instruments, electronic information engineering, business administration, etc.: marine engineering, vehicle engineering, mechanical engineering and its automation, communication engineering, business administration, art design, mechanical design and manufacturing and its automation, composite materials and engineering, industrial design, civil engineering, material science and engineering, ship and marine engineering, engineering mechanics, navigation technology, mineral processing engineering, international economy and trade, measurement and control technology and its automation.