When you graduate from college and come from the society, you may feel that the world is cold. At this time, you can't use the relationship with people in college to deal with people after work. You are good at working in the university, and others will worship you. But if you do well in the unit, others will envy you and even hate you. If you are not modest at this time, the relationship between colleagues will naturally not be handled well. Your relationship may be like that on TV. Even if you offer to help them, they will dislike you.
If you have a strong working ability, you don't need to care about these colleagues. It is the key to do your own thing well and improve your ability. Colleague relationship is second. You may have had feelings since elementary school, and there must be many good classmates who used to get along with each other but haven't contacted them yet. So my personal opinion is that the relationship between colleagues is not that important. When you improve your ability. You can find another company to hire you, and your former colleagues should have little contact with you. More importantly, when you improve your ability, you are appreciated by your boss. Even if you don't get along with them, they will get along with you.