electronic technique
Calculation method
data structure
digital logic
The Art and Method of Programming (Specialized Elective)
Course design of data structure
Situation and policy B(2)
Introduction to the Theoretical System of Mao Zedong Thought and Socialism with Chinese characteristics (1)
Sports (4)
Discrete Mathematics (2)
JAVA programming (professional elective)
Fundamentals of Circuit Analysis
College Physics (2)
linear algebra
Probability and mathematical statistics
College physics experiment b
College English (4)
Situation and policy B( 1)
Outline of modern Chinese history
Sports (3)
A little bigger:
Engineering training c (metalworking practice)
Discrete mathematics (1)
Fundamentals of Programming (2)
Basic practice of programming
Advanced Mathematics A(2)
College Physics (2)
College English (3)
Situation and policy A(2)
Basic principles of Marxism
Sports (2)
military theory
Computer basic practice
Introduction to Computer Science and Technology
Programming Basis (1)
Advanced Mathematics A( 1)
College English (2)
Situation and policy A( 1)
Ideological and moral cultivation and legal basis
Sports (1)
Military training