1. Log in to official website of Southwest University for Nationalities, find the column of "Information and Public Services" in the "Service and Support" section of the homepage, and click "Computer Room Reservation". After entering the "Computer Room Reservation System" page, enter the user name and password to log in. You need to register and activate your account for the first time.
2. After logging in successfully, click "Add Appointment" on the "My Appointment" page, and fill in the information of the computer room to be used, including the computer room name, usage time and purpose. Fill in the reservation information according to the actual situation, and then click the "Submit" button to complete the reservation.
3. You can check the reservation information on the "My Reservation" page, including the reservation time, the name of the computer room, the usage time, etc. If you need to cancel or change the reservation information under special circumstances, you can do it on my reservation page. Cancel the reservation at least 2 hours in advance. When using the computer room, you need to bring your campus card or relevant certificates and arrive at the computer room according to the appointment time.