University of Washington
(The United States ranked 42nd, Poser Campus, Washington, and can be admitted without language scores)
University of Miami at Oxford (ranked 66th in the United States, Ohio, and can be admitted without language scores).
University of Iowa (ranked 64th in the United States, Iowa, IELTS 5.5).
University of Delaware (ranked 7 1 in the United States, Delaware, can be admitted without language scores)
Michigan State University (ranked 74th in the United States, Michigan, IELTS 5.5 can be re-admitted)
St. Louis University (ranked 78 th in the United States, Missouri, IELTS 5.5 can be admitted twice)
Iowa State University (Iowa ranked 8 1, IELTS 5.5 can be accepted)
University of Tennessee
Tennessee, which ranks 88th in the United States, can be admitted without language scores.
University of Denver (84th in America, Colorado, IELTS 5.0 acceptable)
University of San Francisco (American ranking 1 12, California, IELTS 5.0/IBT
Can double admission)
Missouri-Columbia University (the United States ranks 88th, Missouri, and can be admitted without language scores).
University of Kansas (ranked 88th in the United States, Kansas, IELTS 5.5 can be re-admitted)
Lincoln University, Nebraska (ranked 96th in the United States, Nebraska, with no language scores)
Illinois Institute of Technology (Illinois, USA, ranked 97th, TOEFL score of 80 can be admitted directly)
University of Arizona (the United States ranks 98th, Arizona, and you don't need language scores to be admitted).
Northeastern University (the United States ranks 98th, Massachusetts, and you can take the bridge course without language scores).
University of Dayton (Ohio American ranking 104, you can be admitted without language scores)
University of Missouri-Lola (American ranking 1 12, Missouri, no language scores are required for admission)
University of Oregon (American ranking 120, Oregon, can be admitted without language scores)