Books are the essence of human thought, and it is inevitable to read related books no matter what major. If you confine yourself to textbooks, it will be useless for your future development and knowledge expansion.
Expand your horizons.
Mr. Zhu Guangqian once said that reading is to clear up the general ledger of past human achievements, relive thousands of years of human ideological experience in just a few decades, and concentrate the knowledge and lessons gained by millions of people in the past on the readers.
Let's think about the essence of human thought for thousands of years. Now we can all wander in a book, what kind of shock will this have on our immature hearts? Different viewpoints and explanations from different angles in the book will greatly broaden our horizons.
3. full of poems and books. The books you have read will eventually be inadvertently revealed in your manners and your temperament. Want to be a thoughtful person with independent personality? Then we should realize that reading is the best and most useful method.