Kyoto University is a world-renowned top comprehensive research university, headquartered in Jing Zuo District, Kyoto, and a member of the Association of East Asian Research Universities. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan plans to become a top A university and a designated national university.
As one of the highest institutions of learning in Japan, Kyoto University enjoys a high reputation in the world and is known as the "cradle of scientists". Kyoto University has many top and only scientific research institutions in the world, such as the Institute of iPS Cells of Kyoto University and the Institute of Survival Circle of Kyoto University.
Kyoto University originated from 186 1 (the first year of Wen Jiu). Nagasaki Health Center was originally established in Nagasaki (later renamed Nagasaki Jingde Hall). Kyoto University is the second national university in Japan after Tokyo University. Founded in 1897, formerly known as Kyoto Imperial University. After World War II, it was officially renamed "Kyoto University"; In 2004, it was reorganized into a national university, Kyoto University.