-= = the opposite action, cancel, remove, release from bondage, unlock, open, untie, unbutton, open un- == No, unreal, uncomfortable, unclear, unfriendly, unwelcome, unfortunate un- == Nothing, no will, no manipulation, ambitious, not free, illegal. Man-made un- == No, uncorrected, undecided, undecipherable, uncivilized un- == Out of...Untomb dug the grave, und out dug it out of the ground, unhouse drove out of the house, Untomb confided, un cape was released from the cage, uncase took out the under- == Underworld was dirty, Underworld was in the way, underlined. Undercover, cushion pad, underlay signature ..., signature purchase subscription under- == (for clothes), underclothing, Underwear, Underwear, Underwear, Underwear (collectively known as underwear) Underwear under- == Insufficient production, insufficient supply, insufficient remuneration, underestimation, understaffing, and too few Underwear. Under- == deputy, times, underagent, underking, vice minister, vice minister uni- == one, unilateral, unified, unified.