Confucius once said such things as "never tire of learning, never tire of teaching" and "forget to eat when you are angry, forget to worry when you are happy, and don't know that old age is coming", and also said that "nine times out of ten you are determined to learn". Confucius lived to be seventy-two years old. His 57-year-old experience has made him both virtuous and knowledgeable, making him a great scholar and thinker, which can be described as shocking the past and shining the present (dare not say that there has been no one since, at least unprecedented). In this capacity, when his tall feet asked him, his answer turned out to be "I died at night when I heard the news, which was incredible."
As a great scholar with enough capital to show off himself, is it necessary for Confucius to devote his limited life to infinite learning and exploration? The answer is yes.
Confucius' characteristic is not to explore the specific nature of the universe, but to explore the specific temperament of society and life. Because the objective laws of everything in the world may be limited, but people's specific feelings are infinite. As a limited "man", he explored infinite "man", which is why Confucius felt that learning was endless. People's temperament and behavior are constantly changing. Every time new content is explored, old rules are broken. "If you don't know what others don't know, you don't know what people are." Confucius has made it very clear that human nature is the most difficult to understand. Confucius' most incisive exposition naturally embodies his profound views on human nature.
Tao Xingzhi said that thousands of teachers in Qian Qian taught people to seek truth, and thousands of students in Qian Qian learned to be human. At this point, it coincides with the concept of "benevolence" put forward by Confucius thousands of years ago. They are all great educators. Why are the views put forward thousands of years later strikingly similar? Undoubtedly, it is inevitable that both of them regard "benevolence, righteousness and morality" as their goal of continuous efforts and continuous learning to improve their self-cultivation and moral level.
In order to learn, you don't have to know the taste of March meat, which is enough to show Confucius' diligence, but if he is only diligent, I am afraid that Confucius will not be so respected by the world. His eagerness to learn is manifested in various aspects: a threesome must have my teacher, which is modesty; I am not as good as the old farmer or the old nursery. This is seeking truth from facts. Learning from time to time is a pleasure, which is an optimism. His learning spirit is not limited to our ordinary people's thinking: this is learning, and that is inappropriate. Confucius will accept everything in the world with the broadest mind, which is beyond our reach.
Two thousand years ago, Confucius was a philosopher and educator with various skills to make a living and profound insights into the meaning of life. On the one hand, he has various professional knowledge such as etiquette, music, shooting, imperial examination, calligraphy, mathematics, etc., and also has the concept of management politics, and has a clear direction for the goal of education. Because of his numerous knowledge and abilities, he became the most important educator in the history of China civilization. Although many details of his life skills have not been preserved, his life wisdom talk has become a treasure house for China intellectuals who have lived in the world for two thousand years.
This is the knowledge of Confucius! This is the study of saints!
Maybe we mortals will never understand the connotation of the eternal paradigm, but everyone may find a new self from it.
I don't think this article is very long, which is more in line with your level. . A few people upstairs, Yu Dan's Lecture Room is so classic that it's easy to expose it.
Happiness. I hope I can help you. Have a nice day!