In fact, we can slowly adjust our mentality to ease our mood. First of all, we should know that the exam is something that everyone has to experience, and we should tell ourselves. This is an exam, not a particularly big thing, and you should keep a normal mind, don't take the exam seriously, you should learn to talk to yourself and tell yourself that you can pass the exam.
And don't be influenced by the surrounding environment, always relax yourself, overcome this anxiety psychologically, or vent some appropriate emotions, which is also an important means to relieve stress. When we are nervous before the exam, we can talk to our friends or family about this kind of tension and anxiety, so that our hearts can be adjusted or alleviated.
Listening to music occasionally and doing some proper aerobic exercise can also solve this tense atmosphere. The main thing is to adjust our mentality and not have any ideological burden. Don't think about it before the exam. What will happen in this exam? Don't pay special attention to the results after the exam. Analyze your own learning progress according to the results, so as to improve.