:: Agricultural sciences and natural resources
* Architecture.
:: Art and science
* Enterprise management
:: Education and Humanities Education and Humanities
:: Engineering and technology Engineering and technology
* Hixon-Lied College of Fine Arts and Performing Arts
:: Graduate school
:: News and mass communication News and communication
:: Legal precedents
The best subjects are agriculture and natural science, electrical engineering, chemical engineering, software engineering, normal education, journalism, insurance, climatology, musicology and so on. In addition, food science and technology, animal science, business and so on are also well received. The subjects that students take the most are business administration (22%), education (17%), engineering (10%), agriculture (8%) and home economics (7%). Lincoln Campus is the first research institution in the western United States that can award doctoral degrees, and it has established the first undergraduate psychology laboratory in the world. According to the Daily University Guide of Yale University, this is a veritable "football kingdom", which means that the students here have a special interest in sports.