Economics Economics International Economy and Trade 564 573- The first batch
Economic Finance 54 1 552- The first batch
Economy and finance 579 592- the first batch
Economics and financial engineering 579 59 1- the first batch
Law No.574,629-First batch
Literary news and communication news 569 595- the first batch
News dissemination, radio and television journalism 583 597- the first batch
Science Mathematics 593 608- the first batch
Math 577 586-the first batch
Physical Physics 579 627- the first batch
Basic physics class 576 58 1- the first batch
Chemical chemistry 573 59 1- the first batch
Chemistry class 572 589- the first batch
Biological Sciences Biological Sciences 598 620- The First Batch
The first batch of basic biology classes 582-587
Electronic information science electronic information science 592 63 1- the first batch
Electronic information science microelectronics 529 53 1- the first batch
Electronic information science, optical information science and technology 566 589- the first batch
Electronic information science information security 54 1 594- the first batch
Engineering materials, polymer materials and engineering 58 1 600- the first batch
Mechanical design, manufacture and automation 549 608- the first batch
Mechanical industrial design 56 1 595- the first batch
Mechanical process equipment and control engineering 53053 1- the first batch
Energy and power nuclear engineering and technology 546 558- the first batch
Electrical information class Electrical information class 568 606- the first batch
Computer Science and Technology Electrical Information 560 598- The First Batch
Biomedical engineering electrical information 584 596- the first batch
Electrical information software engineering 544 58 1- the first batch
Civil engineering 550 599- the first batch
Civil construction 547 575- the first batch
Water conservancy 540 water conservancy 564- the first batch
Environment and safety environmental engineering 565 585- the first batch
Environment and safety safety project 5 12 5 19- the first batch
Chemical Engineering and Technology Chemical Engineering and Pharmacy 5 17546- The First Batch
Light textile and food light chemical engineering 526 56 1- the first batch
Bioengineering Bioengineering 572 590-The First Batch
Basic medical basic class 543 544- the first batch
Preventive medicine Preventive medicine 553 589- the first batch
Clinical medicine and medical technology Clinical medicine 602 64 1- The first batch
Stomatology Stomatology 60 1 624- The First Batch
Forensic medicine 530 547- the first batch
Nursing 50 1 502- the first batch
Pharmacy 563 587- the first batch
Management science and engineering management science 554 580- the first batch
Management Science and Engineering Information Management and Information System 5 13538- The First Batch
Management science and engineering industrial engineering 546 574- the first batch
Management Science and Engineering Management 536 574- The first batch
Business Administration Business Administration 587 603- the first batch
Public land resources management 534 562- the first batch
This is the score for 2009.