First of all, I hope it is useful to you: the debate topic is "college students do more harm than good", not "should college students take part-time jobs"; Don't be biased in your argument, or you will be passive in future debates. The premise of this argument is that college students' part-time jobs have advantages and disadvantages. You just need to prove that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. If possible, you'd better set a standard for this comparison, which will make your argument more powerful and perfect. Personally, I think it is the first for college students to learn basic professional knowledge at school, which is the basis for starting a business and working in the future. Therefore, if doing other things will have a negative impact on this first task, it can be considered that cheating is more beneficial than harmful.
There are all the arguments put forward by the above guy, especially the sentence "You can still play after work, but there will be no more opportunities to be influenced by culture", and I agree with you very much. But the passage given later can be used for reference and cannot be directly used as a statement. Never say that "college students shouldn't take part-time jobs" or "it's bad for college students to take part-time jobs", which is untenable.
Debate is not a matter for one person, but for the debate team. We can find information together, discuss it together, establish arguments repeatedly, refute and overthrow them repeatedly, and then establish more perfect arguments, so as to be comfortable in the debate field. Argumentation is the center of the whole debate and is very important.
Finally, I wish you success!