Wait for nothing. Engage in pornographic activities in the name of recruitment and engage in pornographic activities in the name of recruiting and training models. There are also many people who have been cheated into pyramid schemes. -I suggest you focus on this.
2, personal feelings-mainly girls, don't cheat feelings, lose your virginity, lose money, etc. I believe you have seen this kind of news. In every university, you just need to look at the high-end cars of the girls downstairs every night. -investigating personal privacy is not good.
3, daily life: buy fakes-mobile phones, computers, counterfeit brand-name products, etc. For a time, I didn't know that I had been cheated. First, I knew that fakes were bought out of vanity.
There are also swindlers who donate money for help, and some who are deceived with good intentions. Agree 8| Comment