The school features internal medicine of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture and massage, pediatrics of traditional Chinese medicine, surgery of traditional Chinese medicine, clinical practice of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine, and processing technology of traditional Chinese medicine. Among them, internal medicine of traditional Chinese medicine is the key construction discipline of the school, which has a long-term and profound accumulation of teachers and scientific research foundation. In recent years, a large number of high-level research results of internal medicine of traditional Chinese medicine have been published in academic journals at home and abroad, which have been widely concerned and praised.
At present, the comprehensive ranking of Hangzhou Medical College is at a medium level among universities in China. However, pharmacy of traditional Chinese medicine has always been in the forefront in the national ranking, and pediatrics of traditional Chinese medicine and internal medicine of traditional Chinese medicine also have good academic reputation and teaching quality. Generally speaking, Hangzhou Medical College has made many achievements in specialty and discipline construction, and it is a medical college with great potential.