Meaning classification
Part-time job: different from full-time, it means that employees hold other jobs in addition to their own jobs. Part-time workers can not only receive the wages of their own jobs, but also receive other wages of part-time jobs according to the standards. Part-time jobs refer to jobs outside their main businesses. If they only do one job, they are called full-time.
In western countries, experts, scholars and industrialists with high professional knowledge and practical experience hold two or more jobs at the same time. Part-time job system is good for both individuals and society.
In addition, some people start their own businesses after work or after school, which is also a form of part-time job. This kind of part-time job is common in tutor (tutor), computer maintenance, programming, part-time domestic helper, amateur model, amateur trainer and so on.
Part-time jobs also include online part-time jobs and real-life part-time jobs.