Fully cooperate with the doctor during the examination, and take the initiative to inform the body of abnormal conditions or diseases. Never have the mentality of testing doctors and joking about health. Physical examination should focus on the basic examination. To make a personalized physical examination package, you can consult a physical examination doctor.
Legal basis: physical examination standards for citizens to be recruited.
Article 1 The height of male is above 160cm, and the height of female is above 158cm, which is qualified.
Conditional soldier height conditions shall be implemented according to relevant standards.
Article 2 The body weight meets the following conditions, and those whose fasting blood sugar is lower than 7.0 mmol/L are qualified.
(1) Male: 17.5 Body mass index < 30, in which: 17.5 Male soldiers with physical conditions have a body mass index < 27;
(2) Female: 17 Body mass index < 24.
BMI28 For the items that need to be checked for hemoglobin, the percentage of glycosylated hemoglobin is less than 6.5%, which is qualified.
(Body Mass Index = weight (kg) divided by the square of height (m))