1. Apply for a student-origin loan and repay it after graduation. Many schools' admission notices will have a detailed introduction to student loans. If the tuition fee is really difficult, you can choose to apply for a student loan, and the required certification materials are relatively easy to handle. If you have any problems on the way, you can consult the class director directly. 2. Apply for deferred payment of tuition fees or consult whether there is tuition fee reduction or exemption. If the tuition is not paid for the time being, you can explain to the class teacher that the tuition is delayed. In addition, the tuition fee waiver policy of each institution is different, so it is best to consult whether your school has a tuition fee waiver policy. 3. Apply for school work-study programs. After entering the university, all universities have work-study programs! Work-study programs are mainly canteens and libraries. You should apply to the class teacher after applying to the university. The class teacher will give you the application form for work-study program, fill it out and submit it to the designated department for application. After the application is approved, you can arrange your own time reasonably.