Survey report on mobile reading of college students Reading defines life. Now is an era of information explosion, and the content available for reading is very rich, and college students are the most curious and curious crowd. What are the characteristics of their reading interest?
Thumb Reading recently launched a mobile reading survey for college students, hoping to answer this question.
The investigation lasted 16 days, and the subjects were undergraduates and graduate students. * * * 737 valid questionnaires. Among the participants, senior students (juniors, seniors and graduate students) account for 76% of the total; Liberal arts students account for 65% and science students account for 35%; 44% are boys and 56% are girls.
Around reading preference, four questions are set up: well-known publications, well-known columns, new media and content categories. By recycling the data obtained from the questionnaire, we analyze the mobile reading preferences of college students as follows:
First, data analysis (the following options are multiple choice questions)
1. Traditional newspapers and periodicals with strong brands are still favored.
Figure 1: Analysis of well-known publications and their WeChat official account preferences.
In the survey of reading preference of well-known publications, Southern Weekend was widely welcomed by students, and nearly 60% of the respondents voted. Followed by Sanlian Life Weekly, with nearly half of the votes. It can be seen that well-known old magazines are still favored in the era of mobile reading. First Reading, People Magazine, New Weekly, Single Reading and Blog World won 20%-30% of the votes respectively.
2. He Jiang is the most popular and famous column.
Figure 2: Well-known columns of WeChat official account and their preference analysis.
Figure 2 is a survey of college students' preference for well-known columns. Well-known financial writers have the highest vote rate, followed by young writer Jiang, with a vote rate of nearly 40%, and well-known writers such as Caitou, Zhang Jiawei have a vote rate of 20-30% respectively. Voting is mainly based on young and middle-aged writers who are well-known in society, relatively active in the network and easy to understand. The columns on financial hotspots, social issues and life emotions are the most popular.
3. Original humanities, new knowledge and new media have the highest number of votes.
Figure 3: New Media and Its WeChat Official Account Preference Analysis
Judging from the voting situation of new media, Tencent Renren and Elephant Association have higher votes, accounting for 48.7 1% and 34.46% respectively. Tiger Sniff and One occupy the second echelon seat, winning more than 20% of the votes. New media with high popularity, producing high-quality original content and providing a new perspective on the world are more concerned.
4. College students are most interested in humanities, reading and history.
Figure 4: Content Category Preference Analysis
Humanities, reading and history are the most interesting categories for college students, with more than half of the respondents voting, followed by current situation and business &; Economic and fashion content, while emotional topics have the lowest voting rate.
Second, summary
From the above four tables, we can see that college students' reading preference has two characteristics:
1. In terms of channels, famous magazines, artists and new media accounts with brand influence and excellent content quality still have strong appeal and user stickiness in the era of mobile reading. The media that pays attention to Internet communication, has scarce professional content, distinctive style and unique positioning has also won the support of young users.
2. In terms of content classification, college students' favorite contents are mainly new humanistic knowledge, social hotspots and life entertainment, which satisfies their thirst for knowledge and curiosity and helps them construct their cognition of the world. College students love new knowledge and life, and reading is their way to embrace the new world.