Chinese name: Tu
Occupation: Associate Professor
Graduate School: University of Wisconsin
Masterpiece: Computeingacategoricalgromov-Witten invariant
Personal profile
200 1-2005 Department of Mathematics, Nanjing University, undergraduate.
2005-20 1 1 Department of Mathematics, University of Wisconsin, Ph.D..
20 1 1-20 14 Department of Mathematics, University of Oregon, postdoctoral fellow.
20 14-20 18 assistant professor, department of mathematics, university of Missouri.
20 18- Associate Professor, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, University of Science and Technology Shanghai.
Main research contents
The application of category theory and homotopy algebra in symplectic geometry and algebraic geometry is devoted to defining the mirror symmetry of generalized gromov-Witten invariants and singularities under the action of finite groups by category theory.
Representative papers
Compute Categorical Gromov-Wittenninant (without Andrei Caldararu), arXiv: 1706.099 12, submitted, 43pp.
Tensorproductofcyclia-infinity algebras and their kontsevich classes _ (withlinoamori), TransactionsoftheAMS, 33pp.
DG-Solutions FNC-SmoothThickeningSandNC-Fourier-Mukai Trans-Forms _ (without Alexander Polish Chuk), MathematischeAnnalen, 78 pages.
On the construction of mirror symmetry, advances in mathematics, 256(20 14), 449-47.
Information on holding lectures
Title: gromov-Wittening Variational Method-Infinite Category