In the United States, a school year begins in late August or early September and ends in May or June of the following year. Each school year is divided into several semesters ($ term). Usually, a school has two, three or four semesters per school year. One of the two semesters is called semester, one of the three semesters is called semester, and one of the four semesters is called quarter. Many schools divide each year into four quarters, of which three quarters (usually autumn, winter and spring) are called a school year.
According to the tuition fees of private universities:
Four-year system, the annual tuition fee is about 200,000-300,000, and the total tuition fee for four years is 800-1.2 million RMB.
Three-year system, the annual tuition fee is 200,000-300,000, and the total tuition fee for three years is 600,000-900,000.
Remarks: The above is only college tuition, not including living expenses.
The undergraduate education system in the United States is generally four years, but because American universities usually adopt the credit system, they can graduate in three years. American schools define their own school year, so different schools have different meanings of the school year.
The above is the cost of studying in the United States for four years. I hope I can help you.