Generally speaking, if you fail the exam in Canada, there will be no chance to retake it, only the chance to retake it. However, if you fail to retake the exam, you will be expelled from school. But now, foreign students returning to China to join banks, apply for civil servants and pursue further studies are inseparable from academic qualifications. In addition, they can't get their academic qualifications when they return to China without graduation, so they can give the following suggestions:
1. You can apply for a master's degree directly if you don't graduate. The teaching time of British master's degree is 1 year. After graduation, there is no difference between normal graduation and undergraduate graduation.
2. If you really don't want to graduate, you can go abroad to study, you can also bring your degree certificate, you can also help prove that you graduated successfully abroad, you can also buy a duty-free car and find a job.