Acupuncture weight loss gets sick easily. How is acupuncture the most reliable? A few days ago, the School of Acupuncture and Massage of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Guangzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine held the launching ceremony for the establishment of the clinical base for acupuncture rehabilitation. In the future, Lai Xinsheng, Li Suhe, Yuan Qing and other well-known experts and professors from the School of Acupuncture and Massage of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine 10 will pay home visits to Guangzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine to guide and train Chinese medicine talents. Now many beauty salons on the market have launched the acupuncture weight loss project. Professor Yuan Qing, director of Jin Sanzhen Research Center of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that obesity is a medical disease, and acupuncture is one of the treatments of traditional Chinese medicine, which is very popular in acupuncture weight loss, but not many people actually go to the hospital to do acupuncture weight loss. On the contrary, this project in beauty salons is more prosperous. He reminded dieters that according to the formal training channels of universities, it takes at least five years for an acupuncturist to develop from theoretical knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine to acupoint selection and manipulation. It is not enough for beauticians to simply train for a period of time, but now many beauty salons are only under the guise of "meridians" and "needles", which are actually not acupuncture. "In Chinese medicine, acupuncture weight loss comprehensively regulates the metabolic level, not to say that he can reduce his legs when his legs are thick. Acupuncture doesn't just pick up the needle and stick it in. Some sensitive parts, such as chest, back, head and aorta, can't be pasted casually. Without professional training, accidents may occur. For example, if the needle is stuck too deep in the back, it will cause pneumothorax. " 1. acupuncture weight loss as a treatment method also has contraindications, and acupuncture weight loss also has its indications and contraindications. Experts said that acupuncture weight loss is only suitable for simple obese people, and patients with secondary obesity caused by other diseases should treat the primary disease first. In addition, women whose menstrual period has not returned to normal after delivery or abortion, lactating women and obese patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, liver and kidney failure, tumors, hematological diseases and other serious diseases are also not suitable for acupuncture weight loss's therapy. In terms of age, it is better for young people aged 18 to 55 to pass through acupuncture weight loss, because at this age, the human body is relatively sound in all aspects, and it is easier to adjust various metabolic functions of the mechanical body through acupuncture. Experts said that according to statistics, acupuncture weight loss's effective rate is above 80%, but in recent years' clinical experience, she found that it is almost impossible to use acupuncture weight loss for obese patients who lose weight successfully or effectively after taking diet pills for many times. She analyzed that it may be because the body of such patients has been stimulated by drugs many times and is not so sensitive to the stimulation of acupuncture.
2. Patients in acupuncture weight loss who have the following conditions are not suitable for acupuncture weight loss 1 and have skin diseases. 2. The unpaid blood donation is insufficient 1 month. 3. The heart function is very weak. 4. Not applicable to acupuncture weight loss who suffers from various diseases. 5. Diseases with bleeding tendency, such as hemophilia, coagulopathy, anemia, etc.
3. acupuncture weight loss has principles, acupuncture combined with diet has better effect. The principle of diet control is: if you are hungry, don't eat, eat green vegetables, lean meat and eggs until you are full, and don't eat sweets and fat meat, potatoes, lotus roots and vermicelli. The most suitable age for acupuncture weight loss is between 20 and 40. However, there are also individual differences. Objectively speaking, some people use acupuncture weight loss's method with no obvious effect. For effective people, acupuncture weight loss is also a gradual process. It is unrealistic to expect to be slim with a few stitches. Acupuncture weight loss has the best effect on obese adults, and the most suitable age is between 20 and 40. Especially for people with abdominal obesity, through meridian conditioning and acupuncture, the effect of losing weight for people with abdominal fat accumulation is more prominent. Secondly, for obese people whose bodies are too wet, acupuncture can induce diuresis and sweat, thus eliminating water dampness and reducing weight. Some people are hungry because of excessive gastric acid secretion, and they always have the urge to eat. Such obese people are also called "stomach fire". The role of acupuncture and moxibustion is to reduce the stomach fire of obese people, reduce or inhibit the hyperappetite of obese people, thus reducing food intake, avoiding overeating and inhibiting their gastrointestinal digestion and absorption function. Other people's obesity is caused by habitual constipation, and acupuncture can achieve the effect of relaxing bowels; There is also the obesity problem of menopausal women. During this period, women had little activity and endocrine disorder. If their diet is not strictly controlled, it is easy to accumulate fat and lead to obesity. Acupuncture can achieve the purpose of losing weight by regulating human endocrine.
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