This is mainly because the bargaining rules in Pinduoduo are not clear. After releasing a product, Pinduoduo will say that you can buy related products at a low price or even one yuan. When the user invites others to bargain, the bargaining amount will be less and less every time the user carries out the bargaining resurrection operation, which leads to many people's bargaining failure.
First, what is this thing?
A network anchor invited 60,000 people to help him bargain online, and the bargaining object was a mobile phone in Pinduoduo. After some bargaining, the final bargaining amount difference reached 6 digits after the decimal point. Despite this, the bargaining information of this network anchor failed. This incident has aroused a lot of people's dissatisfaction, because it is generally believed that Pinduoduo has a routine of bargaining, and it is also believed that Pinduoduo itself did not want users to bargain successfully.
Second, Pinduoduo has many routines.
I personally used the bargaining service in Pinduoduo. In the process of bargaining, I found that many people can only help themselves bargain for a penny. Under such circumstances, the price of a commodity itself has reached several thousand yuan, and we may need tens of thousands of talents to help us bargain for a commodity of several thousand yuan.
Thirdly, some people say that there is a problem of black-box operation in Pinduoduo.
Apart from the routine of bargaining, many people say that there is a problem of black-box operation in Pinduoduo. Although Pinduoduo looks generous, and allows users to buy related products without spending money, in the actual bargaining process, Pinduoduo will generally only succeed in bargaining for some users, while others will fail. If Pinduoduo wants to further prove its bargaining mechanism, I think Pinduoduo must make the bargaining mechanism public, and at least give specific standards for the corresponding bargaining times and bargaining restrictions.