? SAT covers areas SAT includes multiple-choice questions in English, mathematics and reading. However, there is also an optional article. Besides, it can also study literature, history, science and foreign languages.
? The Importance of SAT Q&A Guide It is very important to get the answers to your past questions and study materials from the right place. The SAT is a very special exam. Sadly, there are many websites and programs that only provide low-quality SAT past questions and answers. In addition, if you mainly study with poor SAT calendar materials, you will not be able to clearly understand the performance on the day of the exam. Our SAT Q&A guide is designed to help you improve your current level. However, if you have a wrong understanding of your skills based on poor study materials, you can't do this. In the final analysis, products and test questions that cannot accurately reflect the SAT are a waste of time.
? Why does anyone want to take the SAT? Undergraduate students in the United States and Canada have to take the SAT. Some universities in the United States and Canada require SAT to enter undergraduate courses. In addition, many schools will provide SAT scholarships to students according to their SAT scores.
? SAT structure 1. SAT mathematics
The mathematics part of SAT is divided into two parts: mathematics (without calculator) and mathematics (calculator). There are 58 questions in the math part of the SAT, and students have 80 minutes.
2.SAT reading
SAT reading section provides reading articles and multiple-choice questions. In addition, these paragraphs come from three main fields: science, history and social studies.
In addition, there are 52 questions and students have 65 minutes.
3.SAT writing and language testing
Students have 35 minutes to answer 44 questions in writing and language test. All questions are based on reading articles with charts, tables and charts.