Clinical medical school
Seven-year Chinese medicine
Seven-year program of clinical medicine of Chinese and western medicine
Traditional medicine in China
Clinical medicine of Chinese and western medicine
college of pharmacy
Basic class of traditional Chinese medicine
A cursive script
pharmaceutical engineering
pharmaceutical preparation
Plant protection (direction of medicinal plants)
College of Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy Technology
pharmaceutical specialty
pharmaceutical preparations
College of Acupuncture and Massage
Chinese medicine (English direction of acupuncture)
Acupuncture and Massage in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Rehabilitation therapy
Medical beauty technology
Rehabilitation treatment technology
school of management
Public enterprise management
marketing management
Pharmaceutical marketing
Health information management
College of Nursing
Nursing (foreign nursing direction)
Medical college for nationalities
Tibetan medicine
college of physical education
Physical education (traditional healthy sports direction)
Sports human science
social sports
College of Foreign Languages
English (translation direction of traditional Chinese medicine)
Applied English
Applied Japanese
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Speak Chinese to people who speak other languages.
applied psychology
Psychological counseling (direction of applied psychology)
Tourism management (cultural direction of traditional Chinese medicine)
College of medical technology
physical examination
Biological Science
Medical laboratory science
Medical biotechnology
School of public health
Food quality and safety
Medical nutrition
Food nutrition and detection
Health inspection and quarantine technology
Public health management (direction of health supervision)
Second clinical medical college
Clinical Medicine
Clinical Medicine
This is the arrangement of departments in 2008, and now the School of Management and the School of Public Health have merged. And the enrollment plan changes every year. Chinese medicine, as well as management colleges and foreign languages colleges, should accept liberal arts students. Study Chinese medicine, rehabilitation, or acupuncture. Five years in medical major, four years in non-medical major and three years in junior college. Seven years old is a master's degree. Of course, congratulations. In addition to the main subjects, you can consider double degrees or obtaining other technician certificates. Everyone who wants to learn something is very busy.