Wisteria multiflora, also known as Japanese wisteria, belongs to the genus Wisteria of Butterfly Family. A large liana that leaves every year. Corolla purple to blue purple. The pods are oblanceolate. The flowering period is from late April to mid-May, and the fruiting period is from May to July. Originated in Japan, it was also introduced into the Yangtze River basin and its south area in China.
Planting and maintenance:
The propagation of Wisteria multifida is easy, and the methods such as sowing, cutting, layering, rameting and grafting can be used, mainly sowing and cutting, but cutting is the most widely used because of the long seedling raising time.
The main root of wisteria multiflora is long, and the planting place needs deep soil layer; Japanese wisteria is barren, but fertile soil is more conducive to growth; It also has strong adaptability to soil pH; In the place where Japanese wisteria is planted, besides the sunny and deep soil mentioned above, it also needs shelter from the wind.
Garden application:
Wisteria multiflora can thrive in places with turbid air and purify the environment. It is an excellent garden plant for purifying air. Wisteria has long life, dense flowers and strong plasticity, and can be shaped into artificial shapes such as arches, hedge walls, flower stands and pavilions. Can also be planted in the grass, dotted lawn; Or as a stump bonsai.