CPU AMD Athlon64 3000+ 939 pin (E6) 1050
The motherboard is 9NPA+(NF4 ULTRA) 790.
Sapphire X700 Gold Edition 799 Graphics Card
Memory Kingston 5 12M/DDR400 370
Hard disk Seagate Cool Fish 7200.7/ 120GB 550
Display Samsung 793DF 900
Samsung DVD 16X 2 10 optical drive
Case Foxconn Flying Snow 258
Speaker rambler R20 1T 100
Keyboard and mouse colorful office master 80
Total ***5 107 yuan
2. Intel platforms
Intel processor P4506 950
Main board ASUS P5GPL-X 750
Graphics card Dylan Hengjin Gold Edition X700 790
Memory Kingston 5 12M/DDR400 340
Hard Disk Seagate Cool Fish 7200.7/80GB 440
Monitor Samsung 795MB 950
Pioneer DVD 16X 2 10
Case colorful MF+ Hangjia Lengjing Wang 340
Speaker rambler R20 1T 100
Keymouse colorful suit 80
A total of ***4950 yuan.