1, Oxford University has 39 colleges. They are: All Spirits College, Berlior College, Brezil North College, Christian Church College, Eucharist College, Exeter College, Green Templeton College, Harris/ Manchester College, Hertford College, Jesus College, Keable College, Kellogg College, Margaret School, Linacre College, lincoln college, Modlin College, Mansfield College, Merton College and New College. Pembroke College, Queens College, Ruskin College, Saint Ann College, Saint Anthony College, college of the holy cross College, Saint Catherine College, Saint Edmund College, Saint Hilda College, Saint John College, Saint Peter College, Somerville College, Trinity College, University College, Wadham College, wolfson College and college of wooster College.
2. There are 38 colleges in Oxford, and their relationship with schools is the same as the relationship between the central government and local governments in the United States, which is a form of federalism. Each college is managed by a dean and several researchers, who are experts in various academic fields, and most of them have positions in the school.