You should be talking about college student loans! Student loans are generally issued by the National Development Bank to college students and paid off within six years from the year of issuance. There is no interest during school, but interest after graduation, and interest is paid once a year, with a monthly interest rate of about 0.55%. That is to say, if you graduate, you have to change the interest every year160000.55%12 =1056.
I'm talking about Jilin province, but I don't understand it elsewhere.
Second, which expert can help to calculate that the three-year student-origin loans total *** 18000, 10 years. ...
You only need to pay back the interest for seven years and more than 8 thousand.
Three. Student-origin student loans totaled 1.8 million yuan for three years. How much is the first repayment?
Hello, my friend! This is the contract. You can find everything you need. Thank you for your adoption!
4. How many years will it take to pay off the national student loan of18000?
I suggest choosing a longer time, because it is easier, and you can make a preliminary calculation according to your salary after graduation. Suppose you can save 3 thousand a month and pay it back in half a year.