1, drink honey before going to bed. Chinese medicine believes that the occurrence of acclimatization is closely related to spleen and stomach weakness. Honey can not only strengthen the spleen and stomach, but also calm the nerves, because substances such as glucose, vitamins, phosphorus and calcium contained in honey can regulate nervous system dysfunction, thus promoting sleep. Moreover, the imbalance of intestinal flora caused by environmental changes may also cause constipation, so it is also a good idea to drink some honey properly.
2. Drink tea often. Tea contains a variety of trace elements, which can timely supplement the shortage of trace elements contained in local food and water; Tea also has the function of refreshing and diuresis, which can accelerate blood circulation, facilitate the excretion of allergens and reduce the occurrence of urticaria.
3. Taste "local specialties" in moderation and drink more yogurt. Lactic acid bacteria in yogurt can help maintain the balance of intestinal flora and avoid discomfort such as abdominal pain and diarrhea caused by gastrointestinal disorders to the maximum extent. If you accidentally have abdominal distension and diarrhea, you can take modilin or berberine tablets if necessary, and metoclopramide can be taken for those who are sick and vomiting.
4. Many people also have symptoms of "getting angry" such as sore throat, oral ulcer, nosebleeds and constipation. Try to keep the original living habits; Work and rest are normal; Choose food that tastes similar to the original; Eat less spicy food and eat more light fruits and vegetables and crude fiber food; Drink more water.
Health analysis
The human body has a strong ability to adjust. "Of course, this adaptability will vary from person to person, which is the same as the susceptibility to disease. Some people have obvious reactions to acclimatization. The root cause is the genetic diversity in the population, especially the immune system. People with different degrees and ways of responding to changes in environmental factors are different. " Jiang Tao said.
We should pay full attention to the phenomenon of acclimatization, especially the discomfort of allergic constitution. We should immediately carry out anti-allergic treatment and find out and remember the causes of allergies. If we have to go back to the environment with allergens, we need to take precautions in advance. Repeated allergic reactions are likely to bring serious consequences, such as asthma, and we should not be careless.
Refer to the above content: People's Network-Who will take care of the acclimatization?