Chivalry during the reign
Conferring the title of eldest son.
Duke of Cornwall 1337 Mountbatten-Windsor
Duke of Norfolk 1483 Fizalan-Howard arundel Earl
Duke of Somerset 1547 Baron Seymour
Duke of Richmond 1675 Gordon-Reynolds Marcy and Count Kenlala
Duke of grafton 1675 Earl of Euston, fitzroy
Duke of Beffort 1682 Marquis of Worcester, Somerset
Duke of St. Albans 1684 Earl of beaufort, Beauclair
Duke of Bedford 1694 Marquis Russell tavistock
Duke of Devonshire 1694 Earl of Burlington, cavendish
Duke Marboro 1702 Spencer Churchill Marquis of branford
Duke Rutland 1703 Manuel Marquess of Granby
Below is the Kingdom of Scotland.
Chivalry during the reign
Conferring the title of eldest son.
Duke of Rothesay 1398 Mountbatten-Windsor
Duke Hamilton and Brandon 1643 Douglas-Hamilton Douglas and Marquis Claydale
Baciru and Duke of queensberry1663 Count Scott Darcos
Duke of argyll 170 1 Ron, Marquis of Campbell
Duke of assor 1703 Marquis Murray Badin.
Duke of montrose 1707 Marquis Graham.
Duke of Lokshibock 1707 innis-Kelbaumon and Marquis of Cessford.
Below is the Kingdom of Great Britain.
Chivalry during the reign
Conferring the title of eldest son.
Duke of Manchester 17 19 Viscount mandeville of Montego
Duke of northumberland 1766 Percy, Earl of Percy
Below is the Kingdom of Ireland.
Chivalry during the reign
Conferring the title of eldest son.
Duke of Leinster 1766 Fitzgerald
Here is England.
Chivalry during the reign
Conferring the title of eldest son.
Duke of Wellington 1865438+ Marquis Duro of Wellesley 2004
Duke of Sutherland 1833 Marquis of Stafford, edgerton
Duke of Abercorn 1868 Marquis of Hamilton
Duke of Westminster 1874 Earl of grosvenor, grosvenor
Duke of Fife 1900 Count Carnegie Southick
Duke of Gloucester 1900 Earl of Windsor Ulster
Duke of Kent 1934 Earl of St Andrew's Windsor
Duke of Edinburgh 1947 mountbatten
Duke of York 1986 Mountbatten-Windsor
Duke of Cambridge 20 1 1 Mountbatten-Windsor