Massachusetts institute of technology 1
2. Oxford University
3. Stanford University
4. Cambridge University
5. Harvard University
6. California Institute of Technology
7. Imperial College London
8. Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
9. University College London
10, University of Chicago
1 1, National University of Singapore
12, Nanyang Technological University
13, University of Pennsylvania
14, Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne
15, Yale University
16, University of Edinburgh
17, Tsinghua University
18, Peking University
19, Columbia University
Princeton University.
2 1, Cornell University
22. University of Hong Kong
23. University of Tokyo
24. University of Michigan at ann arbor
Johns Hopkins University
26. University of Toronto
27. McGill University
28. Australian National University
29. University of Manchester
30. Northwest University
3 1, Fudan University
32. University of California, Berkeley university
34. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
35. King's College London
36. Seoul National University
37. University of Melbourne
38. University of Sydney
39. The Chinese University of Hong Kong
40. University of California at Los Angeles.
4 1, Korea Institute of Advanced Science and Technology
42. new york University
43. University of New South Wales
44. Paris IX
45. Zhejiang University
46. University of British Columbia
47. University of Queensland
48. University of California, San Diego
49. Paris Polytechnic Institute
50. London School of Economics and Political Science
5 1, Shanghai Jiaotong University
52. technical university of munich
53.duke university
54. Carnegie Mellon University
55. City University of Hong Kong
56. University of Amsterdam
57. tokyo institute of technology
Delft University of Technology
Monash University
60.brown university
6 1, University of Warwick
62. Bristol University
63. University of Heidelberg
64. University of Munich
65. University of Malaya
66. Hong Kong Polytechnic University
67. University of Texas at Austin
68. Taiwan Province Provincial University.
69. University of Buenos Aires
70. University of Leuven (Netherlands)
7 1, University of Zurich
72. Sorbonne University
73. University of Glasgow
74. Korea University university
76. University of Wisconsin-Madison
77. University of Southampton
Moscow State University
79. University of Copenhagen
80. yonsei university
8 1, pohang university of science and technology
82. Durham University
83. Tohoku University (Japan)
84. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
85. University of Auckland
86. University of Washington
87. Thackeray University, Paris
88. Lund University
89. Georgia Institute of Technology
90. Royal Swedish Institute of Technology
9 1, University of Birmingham
92. University of St Andrews
93. University of Leeds
94. University of Western Australia
95. Rice University
96. University of Sheffield
97. Pennsylvania State University Park Campus
98. Sungkyunkwan University
99. China University of Science and Technology.
100, Danish University of Technology
10 1, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Trinity College Dublin, 102
103, University of Oslo
104, University of Nottingham
University of Helsinki, 105
106, National Autonomous University of Mexico
107, University of Geneva
Washington University in St. Louis, 108
University of Adelaide, 109
1 10, King Abdulaziz University
Utrecht University 1 1
University of Montreal, 1 12
Aalto University, 1 13
1 14, Boston University
Leiden university 1 15
1 16, University of Southern California
1 17, Purdue University West lafayette Campus
1 18, Queen Mary College, University of London
Nagoya University 1 19
120, University of Bern
Ohio State University, 12 1
122, chalmers university of technology
123, University of S? o Paulo
124, university of Vakhnin.
Uppsala University, 125
126, Eindhoven University of Technology
127, University of Alberta
128, Free University of Berlin
129, Humboldt University of Berlin
130, university of groningen
13 1, Lyon Teachers College
132, Nanjing University
Lancaster University, 133
134, University of Technology Sydney
University of Newcastle, UK, 135
136, Catholic University of Chile
137, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
138, Kyushu University
139, university of basel
University of California, Davis, 140
McMaster university 14 1
Ghent University, 142
143, Milan Polytechnic University
University of Botra, Malaysia, 144
145, National University of Malaysia
Hokkaido University 146
147, University of California, Santa Barbara
148, Malaysia University of Science and Technology
Stockholm University, 149
150, University of Exeter
15 1, University of Waterloo
152, Cardiff University
153, University of Vienna
University of York, UK, 154
University of Rochester, 155
University of Aarhus, 156
157, Hanyang University
Michigan State University, 158
University of Maryland College Park Campus, 159
160, Technical University of Berlin
Amore university 16 1
162, case western reserve university
Monterey Institute of Technology, 163
164, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
University of Pittsburgh, 165
166, Aachen University of Technology
167, University of Bologna
168, University of Bath
Texas A&M University, 169
University of Barcelona, 170
17 1, University of Western Ontario
172, University of Rome I
University of Freiburg, 173
University College Dublin, 174
University of Florida, 175
176, National Kazakh University
University of Lausanne, 177
178, University of Tubingen
179, Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai
Erasmus University, 180
18 1, National Tsinghua University.
182, Vienna University of Technology
University of Gothenburg, 183
184, Khalifa University
185, University of Chile
186, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
187, Indian Institute of Science
188, University of Minnesota at Twin Cities
189, University of Leuven (French)
190, University of Liverpool
19 1, University of Twente
192, Dartmouth College
193, Malaysia University of Technology
194, University of Wollongong
Curtin University, 195
Dresden University of Technology, 196
197, University of Otago
198, Newcastle University (Australia)
199, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
200. University of Bergen
20 1, Macquarie University
Keio University.
University of Reading
Waseda University
205. University of G? ttingen
206. Aberdeen University
207. Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
208. Autonomous University of Madrid
209. Free University of Brussels (French)
2 10, Autonomous University of Barcelona
2 1 1, Free University of Amsterdam
2 12, Tongji University
2 13, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology
2 14, Queensland university of technology
2 15, University of Hamburg
2 16, Chulalongkorn University
2 17, Arizona state university
2 18, Queen's University of Belfast
Vanderbilt University, 2 19
Campinas University.
22 1, Nijmegen University
222. Free University of Brussels (Dutch)
223, University of Notre Dame
Compton University of Madrid.
Qatar University
Wuhan University.
University of Bonn
University of Cape Town
University of Sussex.
230. University of Virginia
23 1, University of Ottawa
Loughborough University
233. University of California at Irvine.
Maastricht University
235. University of Antwerp
236. University of Calgary
237. Harbin Institute of Technology
238. Andean University (Colombia)
239. Leicester University
240. Victoria University of Wellington
24 1, Queen's University
Ticino University.
243, Beirut American University
244. St Petersburg State University
245. University of Padua
246, Paris Institute of Roads and Bridges
247. Novosibirsk State University
248. University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Georgetown University.
250 pompeu fabra University
25 1, University of Brunei Darussalam
252. University of Colorado at Boulder
253. National national cheng kung university
Jewish University
255. Gazal Motor University
256. Indian Institute of Technology in Madras.
Mahidol University
Tel Aviv University
259. National University of Ireland (Golve)
260. National University of Colombia
26 1, University of Canterbury
Sun Yat-sen University
263, Paris School of Political Science.
264, Paris University
265, kyung hee university
Rutgers University.
267. Charles University in Prague
268. Navarra University
269. National Yangming Jiaotong University
270. University of Arizona
27 1, darmstadt university of technology
272. Beijing Normal University
Herwarth University.
Dalehouse University.
Tomsk State University
276. University of Surrey
277. south university of science and technology of china, China
Tufts University
Technical University of Graz
280, Indian Institute of Technology, Campr.
28 1, King Saudi University
282. Indian Institute of Technology.
Bowman University.
284. Innsbruck University
Deakin University
Massey University
287. University of Illinois at Chicago
288. University of Tsukuba
289. Hong Kong Baptist University
290. UAE University
29 1, Griffith university
292. Moscow Institute of Physical Technology
293, Indonesia University
294. Paris I University
295.Xi Jiaotong University
Belarus State University.
Reference to the above content: Baidu Encyclopedia -2022QS World University Rankings