Pharmacy, traditional Chinese medicine, pharmaceutical preparations, basic medicine (5 years), preventive medicine (5 years), clinical medicine (5 years)
The predecessor of Zhejiang University Medical College was the merger of Zhejiang Medical College founded by 19 12 and National Zhejiang University Medical College founded by 1945 (1952), and it was upgraded to Zhejiang Medical University in April 1960. 1998, Zhejiang University merged with Zhejiang University, Hangzhou University and Zhejiang Agricultural University to form a new Zhejiang University, and the medical college and pharmaceutical college of Zhejiang University were reorganized in the following year. Great changes have taken place in the name and location of the school in the past century. Today, Zhejiang University Medical College, with a history of one hundred years, has developed into one of the famous medical schools with considerable scale and strength in medical education, scientific research and medical treatment in China. It is one of the ten subordinate comprehensive medical colleges established by the Ministry of Education and the Health Planning Commission, with seven high-level affiliated hospitals.