For Wang's mother's complaint, the school's answer is the lack of relevant evidence. After all, Wang has passed away, and it is difficult to obtain evidence. Moreover, more than two years have passed, and many things cannot be further investigated. Before this incident, the school also made some penalties for Dai. Of course, as a professor, Dai also lost many opportunities for promotion. The school didn't expel him, but still let him continue to teach at school.
Let's learn the basic situation of Dai first. Dai is a post-80s native of Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province. He wrote some papers and published them in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. But so far, Dai has not directly answered this question.
Finally, I want to say that as a girl, I think it is not advisable to jump off a building easily or have an emotional breakdown and choose suicide. Because for those bad guys, for those who are up to no good, if we choose to escape and give in, they will not stop because of this. More often, they will choose to press and crush our psychological defense.
So we should have a fighting spirit. You know you're not that 1, of course you want to be the last one. Pick up legal weapons, pack up relevant evidence, record and consult a lawyer, and finally take him to court, so that he is ruined and severely punished by law. Such a man is punished by law, so I think that is his final destination. Instead of letting him get away with it, suicide left his parents with pain and despair.