It is normal for college students to do some part-time jobs in order to achieve a certain degree of financial freedom, but if they do part-time, they should find some part-time jobs that are helpful to their future life development. It is better to do some cheap labor than to waste the good time in college. Like some unskilled part-time jobs, such as handing out leaflets on the street and assembly line processing in factories, these part-time jobs do not require high academic qualifications, but the income they bring is very low. Imagine taking up precious university time, not improving yourself, choosing to do some cheap part-time jobs, which will not help the future development, and finally the income is very low. In fact, this is a very uneconomical thing.
Some part-time jobs are very intense, but the final reward is far from being directly proportional to the job, so such jobs must not be touched. If you work hard, it will have an impact on people's health. Under such hard work intensity, if the salary is still very low, it will dispel the enthusiasm of finding a job after graduation to some extent. So this kind of part-time job is not recommended for college students to try. If you study in a university, you should first consolidate your professional knowledge, and then try to get some useful certificates within your own scope. You have to believe that the efforts you have made now will be rewarded to you in another way after graduation.
So to sum up, we can know that for college students, those jobs without any technical content and some part-time jobs that can't provide any help for their future development are not recommended to try.