When you see a lot of social news, you should judge with your heart, discard the false and keep the true, and believe that our country and people are the best and kindest in the world. At the same time, our society is not perfect. In the future, college students also need to go out of school, go to society, transform and innovate, and fulfill the responsibility of every college student. By studying philosophical knowledge, we can understand the essence of society, such as materialism, where matter determines consciousness and consciousness reacts on matter. The world is made of matter, and matter is in constant motion. Historical materialism tells us that people create history and outstanding people promote its development. The law of surplus value reveals the essence of contemporary labor system, and the exploitation of capital can help you know the world!
By studying sociological knowledge, it is only one of the two disciplines that is most directly related to society. Sociology is a comprehensive social science that studies the benign operation and coordinated development of society. From this definition, it can be clearly seen that he studies the operation mechanism of contemporary society, while history introduces the replacement mechanism of society. Sociology focuses on how to maintain social development, which is very direct, such as the five mechanisms of social operation, power mechanism, control mechanism, guarantee mechanism, integration mechanism and incentive mechanism. If you understand these five mechanisms, you can easily understand how contemporary society works!