Dominique Vernay, Chairman of the Preparatory Committee of Paris-Thackeray University, said that the educational goal of the university is to rank among the top ten in academic ranking of world universities and the first in continental Europe. The university also hopes to give full play to the economic and commercial potential of research results, partly relying on university spin-off and research spin-off, but also working closely with mature enterprises.
The campus covers an area of 1 0,350 mu. There will be about 60,000 students and 10500 researchers in the future.
Its members include:
Two universities:
XI Paris university
Versailles-San Quentin-Evelyn University
1 1 University (Grand? Cole):
AgroParisTech company
Paris Institute of Advanced Electric Power
Paris Business School (Paris)
Paris Institute of Technology (? Cole Institute of Technology, alias "X")
Kashi Teachers College
ENSTA ParisTech
National Institute of Economics and Statistics Group? :ENSAE
Paris Institute of Higher Education
Graduate School of Mines-Télécoml Institute of Optics
Seven research institutes:
French National Institute of Science (CNRS)
French national atomic energy center
French Institute for Advanced Science (IHES)
National Agricultural Research Institute (INRA)
INRIA (French National Institute of Computer and Automation)
National aerospace research bureau
National Institute of Health and Medicine (INSERM)