Does this letter sound like? u] u [u:]
A short vowel with five vowels:
A [? E] Cat hat diagram
Ten hens
I [I] sit on a hill.
o [? ] Box Hot Dog Frog
But mom, the bus cup
12 single vowel:
Short vowel [? e] [e] [i] [? ] [? ] [u] [? ]
Long vowel [i:] [? :] [a:] [u:] [? :]
Eight diphthongs: [ei] [ai] [? u] [au] [? Me] [me? 】【e? 】【u? ]
Vowel pronunciation rules table:
1. Monovowel /I:/ Seeing that I am her needs to read meat and eat deeply.
E/i:/ me be she is in the first syllable.
Ee /i:/ See the need for deep sleep.
Ea /i:/ read dining table
2. Monovowel /I/in it is fit pin bit Kissing Miss Sick Fish rich lid
I /i/ if, his, film of closed syllables (closed syllables refer to syllables ending in consonants)
Y/I/ sympathy, syllable, system, gym in closed syllable
Y/I/City, Pitty, willingly, the possibility is at the end of the word.
3. Monovowel/e/get let bed pen best rest never better best
Express with closed syllables
Ea /e/ Death, Heaven, Feather
4. Monovowel/? Hat, cat, mouse, hat, map, fat man, thank you for the stamp fact.
A/ in the closed syllable? Bad, ladders, rats, taxis
5. Monovowel/a:/Heart Arm Darn Farm Cart Fast Car Dark Barn Pass
Ar /a:/ Arm, Ark, Lard, Darkness, Car, Card, Hard, Injury
6. Monovowel/? /Many got the soft-song-top hot box pot lock in the work shop.
O/ In closed syllables? /Hot, yes, no, lost, on, soft
7./ ? /Paul Maud, the tall man who fell over the wall, thought with a yawn as he walked.
Or/? :/or, sports, boredom, horses, more, before
A(+ll or lk)/? :/all, fall, talk, walk
aw /? /method, claw, painting, flaw, claw
8. Single vowel /u/cookbook look put away the whole foot meeting.
Put, fill, pull, push, sugar, cushion
oo /u/ good,took,wood,wool,stood,bedroom
You/you/may, will, should.
9. Monosyllabic vowels /u:/ Too early rules lead to the loss of novelty in the school for fools.
Oo /u:/ Fool, booth, room, food
ou /u:/ soup,you,group
o /u:/ do,to,who
10./ ? /Cup Bus Gun Cabin Singing Yalong Yuncheka
U/ in the closed syllable? /But hunting, sunbathing, ducks, luck.
O/ In closed syllables? /Son, once, color, other, money
Europe/? /rough, that's enough, touch, cousin, young.
1 1. Monovowel/? :/shirt hunting burn girl bird nurse work worm curse
Uh/? /herd, verb, kindness
ir /? :/thirty, shirt, three, fir
ur /? :/turn, church, burning, nurse, curse
Or/? Words, work, the world, even worse
Ear/? :/I heard that the earth, search
12. Monovowel/? /I fell asleep among my mother and brother again before.
Many vowels are pronounced in unstressed chapters. /So/? /There are various spelling forms. For example:
About, sofa, doctor, color, figure
13. diphthongs /ei/ The possible way to pay for the same day's hay harvest is a painful shovel.
A /ei/ save, face, pale
Year/month/day, salary, May
Ai /ei/ waiting, failure, difficulty
Ea /ei/ break, very good.
14. diphthongs? U/ Don't go too far, the road of hope, the road to home, the journey of the soul.
o /? U/ go, hello, no, open, end, just kidding, October
oa /? Coat, soap, boat, road, coast
ow /? U/ snow, throw, blow, show, know, window
15. diphthongs/ai/bylie Try to cry my eyes to death five times, which I like.
I/ai/ time of opening syllables, crime, ceremony, fine.
Indoor/outdoor/high, possible, night, light, bright.
Cry, my God, fly, July, reply.
Ie /ai/ Eye, Dye, Bye.
16. diphthongs /Au/ How to get the cow out of the mouse and come down to the house now?
Ou /au/ about, around, found, sound, mouse.
Oh/oh/come down, crowd, town, brown, now, how about it?
17. diphthongs? I/Boy Happy Toys Sound Noise Add Coins Oil Soil Hard Work
oi /? I/ Oil, Boiling, Adding, Coin, Damage, Sound, Selection, Noise
oy /? Me/toy, boy, enjoyment, destruction, worry, loyalty, employer
18. diphthongs here /i/ear is afraid to hear dear pier's idea of tearing up the truth.
Ear/me? /Ears, honey, listen and be clear, beard.
ea /i? /creative, real, theater
ere /i? /here, pure, serious
eer /i? /beer, gay, engineer
19. diphthongs /e/care Wear your hair fair and careful there.
are /e? /care, share, cost, hare, carelessness
air /e? /air, exhibitions, chairs, repairs
20. diphthongs /u? /tourism must be poor and pure.
ur /u? /Healing, purity, anger