Generally speaking, as long as the make-up exam is made in time, there will be no signs of failing in the final report card of the school, but there are results of the make-up exam by users, so don't worry too much. Of course, this is only limited to Kobe Bryant. If you fail several courses at a time, it may affect the user's further education and may repeat the grade.
Extended data:
The most serious impact of failing the course is that college students may not be able to graduate without a degree certificate or diploma. Generally, colleges and universities have set credit requirements for students, and students can only get their degree certificates and graduate smoothly after completing the corresponding number.
Failing a course will directly affect college students' performance ranking, making them miss scholarships, grants, running for class cadres, joining the party, protecting research, recommending jobs, studying abroad and so on.
Baidu encyclopedia-failed the exam