Stuttgart Theatre, Denmark
Bremen College of Art
Weimar Liszt Conservatory of Music
Hanns Eisler Conservatory of Music in Berlin
German National University of Music
Leiston University of Music, Germany
Freiburg Conservatory of Music
Cologne University of Music
University of Rhine-Waal, Germany
Fichteda University, Germany
Osnabruck Conservatory of Music Zwickau Conservatory of Music
Huevos Castle Conservatory of Music
Leipzig University
Noveide Conservatory of Music
Lower Saxony Music School.
Dresden Conservatory of Music
Mecklenburg National Theatre/Schwelien
Brunswick theatre
Leipzig theatre
Dickens city hall
Giffordhorn city hall
Tuttlin City Hall
Bremen theatre
Bi Na Bao Xu Dance Theatre
Koblenz Theatre Academy
Elford Yates Eisenach Theatre
Geweima theatre
Regensburg Theatre
Thuringian Dance Academy/Weimar
universitat augsburg
universitaet kassel
Koblenz-Landau University
Osnabrü ck University