Although you may not be able to find a good job smoothly when you go to college, your overall quality will be greatly improved after you go to college. Compared with people who have never been to college, people who have been to college will appear more knowledgeable and cultured. After all, after studying in an ivory tower for a few more years, one's temperament will be very different.
2, more respected and recognized.
With the title of "college student", you can get more recognition and more opportunities. In the job market, many jobs are required to meet the undergraduate threshold, such as civil service examination, institution examination, state-owned enterprise recruitment and so on. No matter how capable a person is, if he does not have a bachelor's degree, he still has no chance. With the development of science and technology, the future society needs more highly educated people to meet the needs of social development.
3. Make life more possible
Generally speaking, with a bachelor's degree, the next step is to make plans for the postgraduate entrance examination, and the chances of life progress are still great. If you only have a junior high school diploma, it will be difficult to get out of society, and both the contacts you make and the treatment you enjoy are very poor. Therefore, going to college may not be successful in your career, but at least you can be sure that you will not fall to the bottom.