The alcohol in wine has a direct toxic effect on the tissues and organs of the body, and the organ most sensitive to alcohol is the liver. Excessive drinking will damage liver cells and interfere with the normal metabolism of the liver, which will lead to alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis. Excessive drinking affects fat metabolism. Ethanol slows down the oxidation of fatty acids, which may be beneficial to the storage of dietary lipids, increase the synthesis of liver fat, increase the content of triglycerides in serum and increase the possibility of triglycerides.
In addition, population epidemiological studies show that long-term excessive drinking will increase the risk of hypertension and stroke. Alcoholism can also lead to violent accidents and endanger personal health and social security. Recently, people often talk about the beneficial effects of fruit wine. A report in France found that the incidence of coronary heart disease in some drinking areas is lower than that in other areas. However, the reduction of the risk of heart disease cannot be attributed to some ingredients in red wine, because in areas with high consumption of French red wine, vegetables and fruits are also consumed more, and their antioxidant capacity is higher. These data show that the lifestyle of people who drink fruit wine (such as less smoking and high consumption of vegetables and fruits) leads to a decrease in the risk of cardiovascular disease.
To sum up, drinking alcohol has advantages and disadvantages to human health. Drinking a small amount of low-alcohol wine has certain benefits, but drinking a large amount for a long time is harmful. Especially teenagers and pregnant women. Teenagers are in the stage of growth and development and are more sensitive to the harm of alcohol. So teenagers can't drink. The harm of alcohol to pregnant women affects fetal development and even induces fetal congenital malformation, so pregnant women are absolutely forbidden to drink alcohol.