National Defense Science and Technology University is the best military school in China. If you want to take the exam, you should start reviewing now. This is very difficult, girls are more exaggerated! What's more, it takes 400 points to take the engineering exam! Because the proportion of local graduate students applying for military schools is very small, among the 340 graduate students of PLA Information University 1 1, there are only 20 places for local graduate students. But if you are a national defense student, it will be much easier. Your Wuhan University belongs to the national key university. If you get good grades, you can apply to be sent to the National University of Defense Science and Technology, but you should contact there in advance to get the qualification of your own school. For specific physical and political requirements, you can see the enrollment brochure of the research and recruitment network of National Defense University of Science and Technology. The postgraduate entrance examination procedure is the same as that of ordinary universities, that is, after entering the school, you have to go through physical examination and political examination, and you can go through the formalities of enlistment only after passing the examination.
Now I'm a sophomore, so there is still hope as long as I work hard!