For a place like a university, many people will think that the university is a very solemn place, and the teachers in the university are also very respectable. Then, in fact, there will always be some individual university teachers who make very outrageous behaviors, and even some university teachers will make illegal and criminal behaviors because of their personal desires, and these behaviors will be severely punished by law. For students, if their personal rights and interests are infringed, they should choose to call the police at the first time to safeguard their rights and interests in this way.
What is this thing?
This is the news that happened in Nanjing University. Some students reported their real names to the teachers of Nanjing University, saying that the teachers had repeatedly violated themselves, resulting in their own abortion. After this incident, the majority of netizens paid close attention to it, and they also hoped that this so-called teacher could be severely punished by law. After all, this behavior is too much, and it is also an obvious illegal crime.
Nanjing University has made a formal response to this.
After the incident, Nanjing University responded immediately, saying that a special investigation team had been set up and a series of investigations would be conducted on this matter. At the same time, Nanjing University is also very grateful to the netizens for their concern and support. I hope everyone can further supervise the work of the school. For netizens, I am also very dissatisfied with this response, because this response is too official and formal, and it does not give any substantive answer.
Finally, Nanjing University itself belongs to a well-known university, and many people themselves have a very good impression of Nanjing University. If the teachers of Nanjing University really behave so badly, Nanjing University will not take it seriously, which will undoubtedly reduce everyone's goodwill towards Nanjing University.