There are two views on plant hormones such as gibberellin in the industry: many people think that plant hormones are harmless to people. Professor Li, director of the Fruit Tree Department of Huazhong Agricultural University and doctoral supervisor, said that there may be two reasons for the abnormal shape of strawberries, which are oversized or hollow. One is influenced by the weather, such as too much rain or abnormal temperature. The sharp rise in temperature in Wuhan some time ago is also one of the reasons for the abnormal growth of strawberries. In addition, in the process of planting, the use of plant hormones to promote the rapid growth of fruits is worthy of a look, and it is also a planting method adopted by many fruit farmers at present. In order to "protect the fruit", it is normal to use appropriate plant hormones. Unlike animal hormones, plant hormones are mostly harmless to animals and humans, and eating fruits grown with hormones is also harmless. Professor Li said that he wouldn't care too much about the appearance of fruit and whether phytohormones were used, as long as it tasted good.