Flood, also known as flood or flooding, is a natural disaster caused by flood, which refers to the phenomenon that the water contained in rivers, lakes and oceans rises and exceeds the conventional water level. Floods often threaten the safety of rivers, lakesides and offshore areas, and even cause floods. When a place is covered by river, sea or rain, it is a flood. (Wiki)
Floods caused by natural factors such as rainstorm, sudden snowmelt and storm surge can flood banks and beaches, and even flood banks. The elements describing the flood include peak discharge (water level), peak discharge occurrence time, total flood volume and flood hydrograph.
References include:
Lu and Cheng Xianfu. Summary of flood disaster risk assessment [J]. Sichuan environment.
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Editorial department of life and disaster. What is a flood disaster [J]. Life and disaster. 08, 2009.
Wen jun Study on risk analysis and evaluation of flood disaster [D]. Hohai University. 2007