(6)ch(6)ch 3c H2 CBR 2ch 3(7)ch 3c H2 ch 3(6)ch(6)ch 3c H2 CBR 2ch 3(7)ch 3c H2 ch 2ch 3 2。 (1) 2. (1) 2 (5) 4.80 *. (3) (4) (6) Insoluble in water. 80 * 7.5%/1= 680 * 47.5%/19 = 2c Chapter II Structural Essence and Structural Relationship of Organic Compounds 2324 SP [6] SP Chapter IV Open Chain (1) 2- methyl-4,5-diethylheptane (2 (1) sp ⑶ sp hydrocarbon (3) 2, 4- dimethyl -3- ethylpentane (12) 3- methyl-1- heptene -5- alkyne CH3 (1) ch3ch2chch (CH2) 4ch3 (2) (CH3) 2ch2ch2ch3c2h5hh3ch3 (3). 2 .2 CH 3c H2 CH = C(CH2)3c H3 C2 H5 C2 H5(CH3)2CHC—CH(CH2)3c H3 H3C H H C C CH 2ch2 CH 3 C2 H5(7)ch2ch 3(8)(CH3)2CHC—C—CCH(CH(7)ch2ch 3(8)(CH3)2CHC—C—C—CCH(CH3)2 H3C(9)7。 H = c < h3h5c2c2h5 (10) cc \ o "Current document" h3xch3clclcl11. cl( 1)ch 3c HCH 2ch 2ch 3(2)(CH3)2CCH 2ch 3 Br CH3(3)(CH3)2CCH(CH3)2(4)ch 3c H2 cc 2h 5 1 Br 1 Br(3)ch 3c HCH 2ch 3 12。 ⑴(CH3)2cch 2ch 3(2)ch 3c H2 ch 2ch 3 OH(4)ch 3c ooh+(4)ch 3c ooh+H3C c—o H3CZ(5)ch 3c H2 chch 3 oso 3h ch 3c H2 chch 3 OH 0 2。 2.2.2.br(8)(CH3)2CCH—CH2+(CH3)2C _ chch 2 br CH—CH2(9)(CH 2 cyh CH 2)n+(CH? —C) n Cl Cl ( 10) I CHO 14。 (5)>(3)>(2)>( 1)>(4)CH = CHCHCH & gt; (CH3) 3C+>CHCHKJHCH & gtChchchkjh > (CH3) 2ch (CH2 16。 (1) 17.2 1, that is, 1- pentene * V bromine fades Br 2/CCI 4 1- pentene is far away from light * V bromine at room temperature. X butane "X Ag(NH 3)2+ X 1, 3- butene 1- Hexyne BH/CCI4 Bromine Fading Br2/CCl4 V Bromine Fading At room temperature, keep away from light Ag(NH 3 ear X V grayish white J (2) CH-CHH2O [CH2-CHOH] H2SO4. HgSO4 ■CH3CHO KMnO 4/H 10。 (1) ch-ch = ch chcooh (2) ch-gch+HBR (2 imol) ch QB dch HBR (1moi) b [2 (3) ch-g ch-c = ch ch c br ch br Chapter IV Cyclic hydrocarbons 6 6, (3). 10 6-3H H Br n H CH CHj CI I CH3(2)Cl⑷H3C Cl+(3)X(4)V(5)V(6)V CH3(3)(CH3)2C CH(CH3)2 C2 H5 Br C2 H5(6)(CH3)3C—? -a cooh (7) CH3 COCH 3CH3 L COTIBR-IC dish Te-—A * Chapter VI Optical Isomorphism C(CH 3)3 SO3H 7. (2) aromatic benzene/anhydrous AICI 3NHCOCH 32. ( 1)X(2)X(8) 1mol cl 2/HCH 3 ch 2 oh h-och 3 CII sch。 Ohcho (1) .. 7fch3-transbrcis] chiclate7. ] 2018.8 dcl5.678 2,4,20166' white J AgNO 3/ ethanol, room temperature x white j >. \ AgNO 3/ ethanol, heat one? X J X Chapter VII Halogenated hydrocarbon RMB (ljcihcbrcibbr c2ihc = ciiciiiscch (2) c1ch = chch2 () CH3.
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