Kanna Hashimoto, an ordinary female high school student. In the movie Kiss at Midnight, Kanna Hashimoto plays an ordinary female high school student and has a bittersweet love affair with Katayose Ryota, who plays a national superstar. Just Kanna Hashimoto this delicate oval face, fate of eyelashes, light pupil. Are you sure it's ordinary?
Masami Nagasawa, an unsatisfied old woman. Masami Nagasawa plays a member of a fraud gang in the famous Japanese drama Deceiving the World. When she put forward the honey trap, she was said by her companion, "Don't force yourself without that ability." Questioning the beauty of Masami Nagasawa? I'm afraid it's not high myopia
I was dumped by Satoshi Ishihara. Miss Satoshi Ishihara never tires of seeing it, and the beauty makes people linger. But in the Japanese drama Unnatural Death, our beautiful little sister Satoshi Ishihara was dumped! Yes, that's right. After work led to less communication with her boyfriend, she was asked to break up by her boyfriend. Boyfriend, have you carefully appreciated the beauty of our little sister, Satoshi Ishihara?
Aragaki Yui in despair. Aragaki Yui's experimental role is a new lawyer: De Machiko, but Aragaki Yui's beautiful face is called "despair" by Ranmaru. Seriously? Come and experience Aragaki Yui's beautiful face!